Yes, I'm Having freezing issues here too. I get about 40 FPS or so. Intel Core 2 Duo E 3. Forgot your username or password? But I doubt that's the problem. Only registered users can add comments. blur update version 59288

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Granted I've only played it for like an hour, but it appears to sometimes load the first race and then just black screen the second, or it won't even load the first. Intel Core updte Duo E 3. Pity you can't return software.

Don't have an account? To apply this update, make sure to have Blur.

Blur patch 59288

Sign up for free! I don't have the latest patch though.

Log In Sign Up. The game is STILL kinda choppy at times in the menu, but the races have thus far run without a hitch. It had done that a updzte too often for my taste, but the last time it happened the whole game crashed. But I doubt that's the problem.

blur update version 59288

Keep me logged in on this device. In Blur the storyline plays out in the single player campaign. An edit to my above post: The only thing that is certain in the world of Blur is that in a race there are winners and losers, and racers will do anything to reach the finish line first. Agghh83 Agghh83 9 years vetsion 2 I've just gotten the game and it 5288 to be a game of russian roulette whether it'll load a race or not. You choose how and when to use your arsenal vdrsion powerups for ultimate impact in a race where the outcome is never certain.

Utilize updte arsenal of power-ups like nitro speed boosts, shock attacks, efensive shields, and landmines to beat your rivals across the finish line. If you haven't already, get "Patch 2" v I installed it and haven't had the freezing issue during a race since. It's kinda like the feeling in an old folks home, even though you love them, you can't wait for them to go.

Blur Pc Patch Download

Forgot your username or password? Travel the globe from L. I'm using 7 x64 and never had any problems with games like this. If you like the game, go and buy it! The game constantly crashes during menus or races, and when I'm racing it freezes for about 6 seconds constantly.

blur update version 59288

After applying the update, copy over Blur. Other than that, though, I haven't noticed any lag whatsoever when the game decides to actually load stuff, and I'm on a laptop with a Radeon Mobility 1gb, im, and 4gb ram running max with no AA.

Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post updatd, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. I get about 40 FPS or so. I'm having many problems as well! Blur Update 2 Build My PC can handle that well, it runs Dirt2 with no problems at all, and every recent game.

Blur (2010) Update 2 Build 59288

Asus P5Q, Intel Q 2. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Yes, I'm Having freezing issues here too. Here players assume the role upeate an up-and-coming racer who is looking to make a name for himself in the underground racing scene, but the competition is fierce.


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