In total the film won 12 awards:. So both married but Nadeem knew that Seth was not really happy with this marriage. In April , director Syed Noor announced a sequel to the film, tentatively known as Aina 2. During this Shahzeb immediately reached home and asked his father Nadeem about the features of his mother, Nadeem hand him over her photo. So they moved to a hospital in the same city where the Nadeem was gone for his new job. Amazed by the situation both asked about the divorce, as both were in misunderstanding, the truth revealed that it was Rita's father who had actually planned their separation not legal divorce and who had lied to her that her child is dead. Her mother said at this moment: mujhe dilse na bhulana mehdi hassan mp3

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Mehdi Hassan for the song: The film ran to packed crowds in theaters across China as well.

Bnulana is a leisure girl whereas Nadeem works as a hotel receptionist and they both fall in love. Nadeem moved to the same hospital where Rita was admitted for child delivery. Mushtaq Hasasna well-known film critic, in his book 'Pakistan Cinema ', Oxford University Press, said:. The film was a musical success as well and has trademark song visualizations from director Nazr-ul-Islam.

Seth misinform him that Rita does not want to see his face again and decided to get divorce from him, as she has realised that she has made such a big mistake in marrying a poor man like Nadeem. Shocked and dishearted Nadeem left the city. By using this site, dilsd agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

When Nadeem came back home, he became very angry and he asked Rita to leave the house and stay in her father's house. During his journey to Murree, a car driver incidentally injured Nadeem.

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Rita turned angriely and slapped her embarrassed father, who was listening this. The film had broken all the box office records and yet no Pakistani film has touched that record again. Alamgir for the bhulxna This page was last edited on 23 Septemberat Whereas, Rita's mental instability grew day by day, so her mother asked Rita's father to let Rita visit her baby's grave which would perhaps help her.

This movie was so popular that it was shown in Karachi Cinemas for almost 8 consecutive years consecutive weeks. But before leaving the city he tried to meet Rita, but, at the entrance of her house, eilse met Seth. Aina is a love story of two hearts and two souls but from two different social classes, one being a daughter of a business tycoon i.

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In Karachi, it was released on two main cinemas Bambino hawsan Scala. This was a tremendeous shock for Rita and she somewhat lost her mental balance.

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After few years the baby is grown up to a teenage boy Shahzeba very sensitive and very anxious about his mother. A few days later, Rita's mother purchased furniture for Nadeem's house perhaps to hurt Nadeem's medi and invited her guests to a dance party in Nadeem's house. Rita left, with tears, Nadeem's house. One day Rita's mother Bahar came to her daughter's house, located in a middle class, and offered Nadeem a job in Seth's friend's mpp3 firm, which he denied.

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Not only this, he also angried on Rita about the telephone which was thought to be a very luxurious item esp. The film was a major box-office success and was the longest-running Pakistani film at the cinemas. On the other side, Rita was waiting for him in the hope that he would come back and take her back to his home.

mujhe dilse na bhulana mehdi hassan mp3

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mujhe dilse na bhulana mehdi hassan mp3

Noor told The Express Tribune "Of course, Aina 2 will further the story told in Aina with the original star cast members as well as some new faces. But after a struggle by Rita and a threat to her parents that she would suicide if she would not be allowed to marry Nadeem, her father agreed. One of hassam songs "Mujhay dil se na bhulaana And then they lived happily ever after.

This shocked Rita to such an extent that she could not bear the pain of pregnancy.


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